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    » » Дистанційний відео урок з Англійської мови 9 клас

    Дистанційний відео урок з Англійської мови 9 клас
    • 27-03-2020, 23:16
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    Дистанційний відео урок 
    з Англійської мови 9 клас.
    Урок серії "Велика Британія" для опрацювання учнями під час карантину. Урок містить відео про країну, тексти з інформацією про країну, тест в кінці уроку для опрацювання учнями.

    HELLO, Girls and Boys!!!

    How are you doing?

    Are you ready to have a work?

    OK… Let’s do it!!!!

    The topic of our lesson is “The UK”

    Our Goals: 

    -You’ll take basic information about the subject they are going to learn about;

    -You’ll inform about the geographical position of the UK;

    -You’ll enrich the outlook;

    -You’ll develop skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing;

    -Listen carefully, to summarize, to work individually or with your partner online!!!

    1)  Pick up Name two things that:

    1.                 are very expensive.

    2.you can use to write with.

    3.                   have a nice smell.

    4.are small enough to fit in your pocket.

    5.                  are dangerous.

    6.can make you feel happy.

    7.           are thin and sharp.

    8.you can wear above the waist.

    9.                  you would find it difficult to live without.

          are yellow.

    2) There will be a series of lessons dedicated to Britain. 

         Today we shall learn basic facts about this country and especially about its geography. And at the end of the lesson there will be a short test in order to check your work. OK! Let’s go ahead!

    4) Listen about the country       

    5The tasks for remembering

    Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel, the narrower part of which is called the Strait of Dover. The British Isles are surrounded by the shallow waters of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a country, in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found.

    The English Channel -                               пролив Ла-Манш

    The Strait of Dover-пролив Па-де-Кале

    British Isles-Британські острови

    The Irish Sea-                  Ірландське море

    The North Sea-Північне море

    The North Channel-Північний пролив

    The Atlantic Ocean-Атлантичний океан

    The task  2:

    Great Britain can be divided into two parts: Lowland Britain in the south and east, and Highland Britain in the North and West. The most important mountain territories are those located in the north of Scotland. Geologically these North West Mountains and the Grampians are among the oldest in the world. The highest peak is Ben Nevis (1343 m.). In the centre of England is a range of mountains called the Pennines. The Cambrian Mountains occupy nearly the whole of Wales. The highest peak there is Snowdon (1085 m.). 

    Lowland Britain-Низинна Британія

    Highland Britain-Гірська Британія

    The North West Mountains-                         Північно-західні гори

    The Grampians-Грампіанські гори

    Ben Nevis-Гора Бен Невіс

    The Pennines-Пенінські гори

    The Cambrian Mountains-Кембрійські гори

    Snowdon-Гора Сноудон

    The task 3:

    The rivers of the region are short and of no great importance as waterways. The longest of them are the Severn (354 km) and the Thames, which is 346 kilometers long. Other comparatively long rivers are: the Trent, the Tweed, and the Wye. Lakes are found in the Lake District in England and in the highlands of Scotland. One of the best known lakes is Loch Ness in Scotland, famous for its ‘Loch Ness Monster’.

    The Severn-річка Северн

    The Thames-річка Темза

    The Trent-                     річка Трент

    The Tweed-річка Туїд

    The Wye-річка Уай

    The Lake District-                          Озерний Край

    Loch Ness-озеро Лох Несс

    6) Well, I think that you were really working hard at the lesson. We have learned many facts about this country. And if you were attentive, it would be easy for you to pass the test. Open your exercise-books and write down the word ‘Test’.

    It will be a multiple choice test. Choose ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’. (5 min)

    1. The United Kingdom consists of four different countries ….               

    a)England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

    b)England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    c)Britain, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    2. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…                               

    a)the English Channel.

    b)the North Channel.

    c)the Irish Sea.

    3. The highest peak in Great Britain is …

    a)Ben Nevis.


    c)Loch Ness.

    4. The longest rivers in the UK are …

    a)the Trent and the Tweed.

    b)the Wye and the Strait of Dover.

    c)the Severn and the Thames.

    5. The British Isles are surrounded by the shallow waters of …

    a)the Irish Sea and the North Sea, the North Channel and the Indian Ocean.

    b)the Irish Sea and the Black Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean.

    c)the Irish Sea and the North Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean.

    6. The population of the United Kingdom is …

    a)48 mln people.

    b)56 mln people.

    c)244 mln people.

    The final part

    Well, that’s it for the first lesson.

    Тестування на  знання тексту підручника 

    Тестик The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Review.

    Матеріал додав: Вєтрова Оксана Вікторівна

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